
My Why - Why do I paint and Why do I teach?

My Why - Why do I paint and Why do I teach?

When I was growing up there was no such thing as a ‘why’. Well, we didn’t know we all had one or at least there was no drive to examine our motives and find out. I remember doing quite a lot of motive examination directed by the nuns – but I always fell short and found myself counting down to the next confessional to cleanse my soul.

The 4 Stages of a Painting

The 4 Stages of a Painting

It’s helpful to be clear about the stage of the painting you are in, and what the objective of each stage is. It’s also important to take time moving through the stages and not rush to the end.

Painting is My Teacher

Painting is My Teacher

Some paintings have given me learning that has freed me up completely, adjusted my thinking and changed the narrative that plays in my head. One in particular I will always be grateful for as it gave me an anchor that ever since has kept me secure and absolutely embedded in the knowledge that whatever I do in a painting it will all be for the good.