painting compositions

EXPRESSIVE PAINTING - How To Love The Accident and Still Maintain Control

EXPRESSIVE PAINTING - How To Love The Accident and Still Maintain Control

The accidental marks and effects with paint can often be the most expressive. In this video I share with you how to allow the accidental to happen while still maintaining control of the media so that your work can have more energy, be more expressive and be rich in abstract detail.

Two Styles Of Painting From Simple Shapes

Two Styles Of Painting From Simple Shapes

So on the strength of that I thought let's play with those shapes again!! So this week, using the same shapes again - but DIFFERENTLY - I'll show you how I made a painting in a much looser style and then integrated it with the first painting which was made with an arrangement of more clearly defined shapes.

Watch the Vlog to see what I did.

Using Drawing To Solve Design Issues

Using Drawing To Solve Design Issues

In this Vlog, I talk about the composition process and show examples of Picasso's drawings. He of course didn't have a SMART phone or Photoshop to help him nut out design issues - he used pencil and paper. And his small composition studies are the perfect example of this type of drawing. Watch the Vlog to see.